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— © Copyright 2002 by John F. Gregorek, All rights reserved. | ||
![]() Hidden Stars |
![]() Science Within |
![]() The Fifth Dimension |
Cover Art Description: Hidden Stars |
Hidden Stars is a recreation of how Mankind came into existence. The story hovers around the making and transport of the icon commonly known and used for the practice of the Feng Shui. This relic provides the background of the book's cover image.
Casting its shadow across the book's face is a demonic looking creature whose world can no longer support life. He and his people must find a way to survive and carry forth their history. However, the complexity of terraforming a planet exceeds their technology. The solution is to genetically alter their species and migrate to another planet. The result of their genetic meddling is the creature MAN, and the Demon acts as protector and guide for all Mankind in the new world. The stronger gravity of the planet leaves MAN without wings and hardened for the extreme conditions there. What the woman holds and the man protects on the book's cover is subject to interpretation and is left to the reader to discover. Science, Mythology, and Bible taken together can resurrect the original meanings of the ancient stories. What once looked evil will hold a new appreciation as our understanding evolves. |
Cover Art Description: Science Within |
Science Within is the continuation of the Universe project that started in the summer of 1993 and concluded with the writing of The Fifth Dimension. After many comparisons of the Bible to the stories found within Mythology, Science Within became my ultimate search for the Truth; and I found it.
The cover art is a continuation of the theme to The Fifth Dimension. The book’s cover shows an image taken from space, with the Earth and Moon guarding the top and bottom of the image. Between these two heavenly bodies is a globular mass that represents a giant planetary flare, which is similar to a giant solar flare; this is defined within. The intent of the cover art is to show an image that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways similar to a Rorschach Test. One possible interpretation is provided by the Apostle John from the Book of Revelation. John describes for us the Queen of Heaven who appears during the final days of the Earth. The Queen spans the gap between the Earth and Moon as shown on this book’s cover. While her arms and hair stretch back to the Earth, her slender legs extend to the Moon allowing her to stand upon it. The book’s cover image presents this with one of her legs bent slightly at the knee. The Queen of Heaven is defined by John as being pregnant, hence the large rounded mass near her abdomen. This very colorful and interesting imagery from Revelation appears as though it was pulled straight from the records of Mythology. The Queen’s tattered clothes trail behind her and compose the Book’s seam and back cover image. Opening the book to see the full image, a new interpretation is gathered; but I will leave that for you to inspect. The torn clothes of the Queen is described by John as the Dragon released from the Earth that attempts to kill the child she carries. Science Within is intended to reveal the true meaning to these stories. Its cover is also designed for this purpose. It shows how a single description is not necessarily enough to define the actual event being recorded. Multiple resources must be examined to reveal the best possible solution for the images defined and information presented. This is what I have endeavored to do with all my books |
Cover Art Description: Fifth Dimension |
The Fifth Dimension was published in November of 1999, and is the first book of my nine-year journey in search of the Truth. The Book deals with the structure of our universe.
Through illustrations of higher dimensional space, a fluidic model is presented that accurately defines our universe as a finite body. The image to the left is the black and white of the book’s cover art. It shows an image of the land masses of the earth placed on the inside of a spherical surface that has been broken into three parts. These parts are migrating away from each other due to a great explosion. With the earth torn open and flipping inside out, two elements are released. The first is the Moon — the Biblical Devil that is now released from the fiery prison deep within the earth. The second item released is the Light of the World. As God commanded there be light, the darkness was shattered and the Earth took form. If you look carefully at the various rocks and debris surrounding the image of the Earth, you will notice subtle faces. These represent the demons that hide in the darkness that is now being invaded by the light. The symbolism encapsulates the many changes The Fifth Dimension is about to unload on the world. Through the understanding of the higher dimensional body defined and animated, an interesting side-effect occurred. The model presented a space that operated as if it were meant to serve as a prison — designed to keep something in. It also provided a graphical example showing the Oneness of Life. Both of these revelations inspired me to read the Bible and Mythology to discover the cyclical truth to our dimensional space. |